Mobile Gaming to Account for 85% of Revenue

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A new report by H2 Gambling Capital suggests that by the next year around 85% of total gross gaming revenue will be provided by mobile gamers, as more and more European players switch to their mobile device when playing online casino games, poker and placing their sports bets. This is indeed a steep rise from numbers in revious year that saw 6.5 Billion Euro generated and which accounted for 48% of total gross win. As smartphone and tablet use increases then a natural upswing in use for gaming is of course expected, however the steep rise does coincide with a much larger range of cheaper tablets and smartphones hitting the market, making mobile gaming accessible to many people. Online operators have also focused on the development of their mobile product and launched aggressive mobile marketing campaigns that have generated further interest in the area.

The main increase has been seen in the sports betting area and it is believed that poker and casino mobile growth is still being somewhat affected by the screen sizes of mobile and tablets...something which will not be changing. The report does however stress that mobile has never been so important and that operators will continue to remain focused on their mobile offerings for the foreseeable future.