Kensei Blades Slots

Kensei Blades Slots

Kensei Blades Slots is a gorgeously animated slots adventure likened to the thematic energy of anime and that distinctive art style! Players are granted generous bonuses with each reel spin, and up to ninety six spins can be granted on a max land! Players can also earn up to three thousand three hundred and fourteen times their bet and as a bonus that is purely spectacular!

The uniquely beautiful reel plays out like a grid from left to right like classic slots games, but the art style and brilliant illustrated of Kensei Blades Slots is something unlike anything players have seen before! In the style of classic role playing games with the art design of fighting classic, Kensei Blades Slots proves itself to be more than a mere slots game, but an adventure for fans of not only slots of the gaming and adventure genre itself.

The soft tones of the soundtrack guide players into the world of Kensei Blades, a place where beautiful and scarce unite to create a multitude of jackpots while characters watch one's every move! The heroes of Kensei Blades watch over the reel and ensure victory to those who stay the course, and match the grid as best they can!

The symbols are fantastic and in the vein of Japanese role playing games, they incorporate elements of gameplay yet let players know the bonus coming for them. A combination of star signs, crescents, elaborate shields and health point hearts are just a few of the symbols used in the world of Kensei Blades Slots. Finding the Wilds within the sheathed blades and armor of the Kensei Blades knights makes the game fulfilling in not only real world bonuses, but in filling out the lore for the inquisitive and curious.

Visions of staffs and Ragnarok type blades keep players seeking those symbols to eventually match them for something magnificent. Players will get lost in the gameplay, the visuals, and the soundtrack enough to have real world jackpots be a bonus to the gameplay! Kensei Blades Slots is undoubtedly one of the more gorgeous games on the slots market not only due to ambiance and visual standard, but due to the beautiful explosions when wilds occur, and the sound design isn't something to be ignored.

The combination of fantastic gameplay, visual and sonically pleasing elements make Kensei Blades Slots a must play! It's generous prizes and brilliant animations will have players engaged for countless hours of winning fun!