Could RAWA 2.0 Halt Online Gaming in its Tracks?

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The future of regulated online poker and casino gaming in the US is set to be put to the test as RAWA, or the Restoration of Americas Wire Act 2.0 is here. While a huge amount of Pennsylvania residents are looking forward to playing state regulated online poker, Pennsylvania Republican Representative Michael Fitzpatrick has other ideas and has introduced bill HR6453 which would not only put an end to legal and regulated online poker and casino gaming in New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada but also put an end to hopes of other states regulating online gambling as well as stopping states from providing online lottery. The bill has a long way to go however it will get some backing and although numbers suggest that online lottery, casino and poker are good things for states to offer as the tax dollar is coming in more than handy, there are some that would prefer a blanket ban on all online gambling activity.

In 2011 the Department of Justice declared that the Wire Act covered sports betting only and there was nothing stopping states offering regulated online poker, casino and lottery. Introduced in 1961 there was of course also no mention of the internet and online gambling in that bill as it covered telephone communications only, however HR6453 wants to change all of that with an updated ban on all forms of online gambling in the US, which is of course bad news for many.

It's worth noting at this point that offshore casino gambling and poker would not be affected by any bill that may or may not pass, as any federal ban would have no standing outside of the US where the offshore gaming companies are based, but what it does do is set the clock back and would even cause those states that have regulated gaming to put a stop to it.

Although RAWA 2.0 or Bill HR6453 will have some backing, it's the fact that it has a complete disregard for states rights that could, and probably should be its downfall and when you add on the fact that very similar legislation has, come and gone before it then for all concerned we're hoping this one falls flat on its face.