Political Bets

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The world of online gambling is constantly evolving and the best online and mobile casino and bookies are always providing new features and wagering options. As far as online betting is concerned there have been two real growth areas in recent years, those of e-sports betting and political betting, and surprisingly it's political wagering that many bookies have focused on, with the best of them now offering lines on all sorts of events, votes and more. The saying of "there's an app for that" is a good analogy here, as when there's anything shaking in the political world, online bettors know, that "there's a line up on that" and it's an area in which more and more traditional sports betting fans are getting interested in.

Political betting has in the past been seen as an add on to the sports offering, something a little quirky and fun however as much as it is both of those things, there are now many online bookies that take it much more seriously and are active in seeking out new political lines to offer, and with recent international events such as the US elections, Brexit and the rise (and possibly fall) of Trump there are many markets available. Politics has dominated world news for the last few years and it makes for compelling viewing, making many people treat the proceedings more like entertainment than politics itself and with that entertainment comes many wagering options, with many bookies only too happy to provide them.

USA Political Betting

US elections will always throw out a huge amount of drama, swings and political turmoil and there are always lines available on who the next president will be, and many players scored big last time around, however bookies are now expanding on these offerings and believe it or not you can even get odds on whether Twitter will suspend Trump's account....crazy! You may now wager on so many off the wall lines and with each presidential race there'll be many players putting their money where their vote is, with party lines, percentage wins and so much more, however it's not only US politics betting that's grabbing the attention.

Around the World

There are so many things going on in today's political world and while for US online bettors it's the White House that dominates, you may also find lines on whether Brext will actually happen, which country may leave the EU and so much more and whenever there's a major vote taking place you can bet there'll be many a bookie that provides wagering options on it, adding something extra to simply watching the results come in!