Donald Trump is Set For The Top Job - What's His Stance on Online Gaming?

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In what was a massively shocking victory Donald Trump beats the odds and the pollsters to become the 45th President of the United States. Regardless of your views on why he won, what the Clinton campaign got wrong and what happens next there's no doubt that he has divided opinion and will have a tough task to bring the country together, but what are his views on online gambling and in what ways might a Trump presidency affect the world of US online gambling as a whole?

There Will Be No Legalized Online Casino and Poker Industry

It's highly unlikely that a Trump presidency will provide the US with a fully regulated and legalized online gambling industry at the federal level, and although of course Trump has been, throughout his career, involved in land based casinos, there's little chance of a bill to regulate the online casino industry, in fact it's arguable that the exact opposite is more likely to happen.

There are many Republicans in positions of power that would likely block any attempt to regulate online gambling at the highest level, more likely leaving things as they are, with states allowed to decide for themselves what to, and what not to regulate. Efforts to reinstate RAWA, that would effectively make it illegal for states such as Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey to offer regulated online casino and poker have so far failed, however there is one factor that could changes things....the Trump - Adelson relationship.

Sheldon Adelson has long tried to get a complete ban on online casino gaming in the US and has so far failed, however he was a major donor to the Trump campaign and there's no doubt that he would have the Presidents ear. Adelson, the CEO of the Las Vegas Sands group would like to see a blanket ban on regulated US online gambling and should a bill appear on President Trumps desk with only his signature required to bring that into effect, then many observers believe that it would be signed in a heartbeat...which is of course worrying news for those states that already provide online gaming regulation.

What's the Deal With Offshore Online Casinos?

Regulated US online gambling is one thing and regulated offshore casino gambling is another, and never the twain shall mix! There's very little Trump could do to effect the US offshore casino area, and there's nothing to say that he's interested in it. All of the best US online casinos, those open to players from outside of the three states where online gaming is regulated, are based offshore, meaning that no matter who has the hot seat in the White House, there is likely to be little or no change to the way the majority of Americans get their online casino action.